Saturday, September 12, 2009

It's A New Life ; Start Of Something New - HSM 1

I realised I haven't blogged in like ages man.
So here are the updates.

Form Tutur - Mr. Sathi.
He has awesome multi-coloured fingernails. Wicked cool. (;

English - Ms. Ginn.
I think we all know how perky she can be. I like the way she smells like coffee. (:

Math - Mr. Aru.
Haha, he is very funny. You can ask him about anything, and he will give you the answer. xD

Science - Ms. Kausilya.
Erm, honestly, no comment. :

Geography & History - Mr. Robinson.
He is awesome lah, it was like a quater of the lesson and he remembered my name. & He is really funny. HAHAHA. :))

Erm who else...

Art - Mr. Sathi.
He takes his Art seriously.

Chinese - Some new teacher whose name I forgot.
I am apparently her best student. =="

No comment. :

PE - We have swimming, which totally sucks right now.
I hate swimming like hell. Ergh. & We have it twice a week.

Plus they have this weird two-week time-table which no one understands. O.o
I don't see the point of it really.
But I guess it's for some good purpose.

There are loads of new kids,
I'll take pictures & upload soon.

But till then,
This post is over. :))



Laura said...

I'll trade my dance class with your swimming class anytime Vila! :)

Swimming rocks! Dance... ermm...

Well, it's got nothing to do with the lady teacher, she's nice. But we have to do this fighting thing... ahh you'll learn it soon anyway. I just hope we swap as soon as possible. I can't take it any longer! I wanna go swimming!!!!! >;(