Monday, September 28, 2009

Results May Vary. Pfft.


I studied really hard man.

I don't think 4a was good enough.

Pfft. I really wanted a five.

My dad will be PISSED FOR SURE!!!

Why lah. I tried so hard!

Hmph. *points at picture*
Ciao lah. Damn sad now.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Crazy Love.

Damn man.

We have a Science test tomorrow!

I've been studying like craaazy!

Psht. I HATE tests.

But I've also been doing my art project as well.

Here you go! Damn it looks cacat. :p

Haha, anyway....

I'm kinda bummed that I CANNOT go for the Beyonce concert.

Any tips on how to get my dad to let me go? :\


Me not going for her concert is like her not going to her own concert. ==.

Like seriously man.

I need to go! I HAVE to go!!!

Pfft. Parents hold you back don't they? :(

Monday, September 21, 2009

Damn, Worked Up! - I'm No Superman ; Lazlo Bane

It's damn sad woi.

We all post this stuff up just to find out that no one even reads them.


Whoa! There are Raya Fireworks outside.

My window view can be very beautiful. (:

Now, let's just relax.


Been REALLY busy lately.

Haven't had time for anything.

I guess the new Year 9 is getting to us.

To everyone.

The worst part is pretneding that I honestly, and truly, posetively don't care anymore.

When everyone knows I still do.

Damn, Vila. Get a life.

Anyway, I'm gonna watch the momentary magic,

That is outside my bedroom window,

& Call it a good day.

Good Night. (;

Saturday, September 12, 2009

It's A New Life ; Start Of Something New - HSM 1

I realised I haven't blogged in like ages man.
So here are the updates.

Form Tutur - Mr. Sathi.
He has awesome multi-coloured fingernails. Wicked cool. (;

English - Ms. Ginn.
I think we all know how perky she can be. I like the way she smells like coffee. (:

Math - Mr. Aru.
Haha, he is very funny. You can ask him about anything, and he will give you the answer. xD

Science - Ms. Kausilya.
Erm, honestly, no comment. :

Geography & History - Mr. Robinson.
He is awesome lah, it was like a quater of the lesson and he remembered my name. & He is really funny. HAHAHA. :))

Erm who else...

Art - Mr. Sathi.
He takes his Art seriously.

Chinese - Some new teacher whose name I forgot.
I am apparently her best student. =="

No comment. :

PE - We have swimming, which totally sucks right now.
I hate swimming like hell. Ergh. & We have it twice a week.

Plus they have this weird two-week time-table which no one understands. O.o
I don't see the point of it really.
But I guess it's for some good purpose.

There are loads of new kids,
I'll take pictures & upload soon.

But till then,
This post is over. :))
