Friday, April 24, 2009


Our Assembly friggin rocks! Can't tell what we are doing but I guarantee it will be great! Starting to love the bubble gum pop! songs. Like David Arculeta and Demi Lovato. Listen to Don't Forget. Damn sad! I like almost cried! I'm gonna put it on my blog now.
I actually couldnt care less about guys now. Pfft! I'ts not even worth it! We came alone, we are leaving alone. we might as well stay alone rite? Yes Rite.

Umm lets see school....

Scared to death about PTC Meeting. Hope I dont have to go! HAHAHA! Faris, Syafiq and Wayne kena from Miss Mayer for misbehaving in BM class. Poor them. Honestly, after all this while hearing Wayne sing, I till don't know how he sounds. The new kid was here today. Ummm Cameron rite Janey? LOL! I tried to play football today. But I sucked. Lunch seemed to be very long today. Thankfully! I dont ever feel like going home anymore. It's such a non-home-like place. School is my forte. I cant help but be who I am around all my totally amazing friends. I guess they accept me for who i am rather than who I could be. I wanna go watch 17 Again on Friday! Cannot wait lah. Not sure if my parents will let though. Anyway I'll just have to ask and see.