Saturday, June 27, 2009

Death of a Legend ; You Are Not Alone - Michael Jackson

As you all have already heard, Michael Jackson has indeed passed on. All I can say is that he had half of his life yet to live. People should be ashamed of themselves. When he was alive, all you wanted was to see him dead. When in true fact you were puttin up false alligations towards him. Why couldnt you people get a life??? And stop messing with MJ's? Now that he is finally gone, you say you want him back. What BS! We will all definately miss Michael, regardless of all he had 'allegedly' done. He has affected all our lives in some way. He made history. No one can replace him. This is Elvis Presley all over again. We needed him to live just a little longer, to release him new album. At least I did. I remember when I was just a little girl, sitting on my uncle's old couch, watching him dance with my auntie to Micheal Jackson songs. Memories like that don't happen everyday. I thank him sincerely for giving them to me. May God rest his soul. Goodbye Michael, I'll miss you. R.I.P from Malaysia.